Care And Maintanance

Maintaining a high-quality love doll is easy when you know how. Many customers have inquired about love doll cleaning, and we believe it is crucial to learn and perfect this task as a proud love doll owner.

After carefully listening and addressing customer queries, we have compiled this guide to help and inform our community about proper love doll aftercare techniques.


How Often Should I Clean My Love Doll?

Cleaning your love doll is of utmost importance. However, it is equally essential to ensure that your love doll stays fresh and clean while maintaining its longevity.

We recommend establishing a routine with your love doll, so you can be certain that cleaning is done at regular intervals, without damaging the doll through excessive cleaning. We suggest cleaning your love doll every 2-4 weeks.


Cleaning Materials to Use

While there may be other products to use when cleaning your love doll, we offer some suggestions and tips for you to consider:

  • Antibacterial soap
  • Water
  • Talcum powder (baby powder)
  • Light sponge
  • Second sponge cut up into smaller swabs
  • Non-abrasive drying cloth
  • Medical pincers
  • Strong paper towel

Remember that each love doll comes with a small cleaning kit, including a vaginal irrigator.


How to Clean Your Love Doll's Body

We have found that the actual process of cleaning can be a therapeutic ritual. Many customers have reported that the process can deepen the bond between you and your love doll.

To avoid bacterial build-up, we suggest a thorough cleaning every 14 days - or more frequently depending on usage.

Using a light sponge and antibacterial soap, we recommend washing your love doll in your shower or bathtub. Please use gentle pressure while washing your love doll's body to preserve the skin. It is important to avoid getting the neck and head too wet or submerged under water to prevent rust build-up in the neck screws.

How to Clean the Orifices of Your Doll

Cleaning the orifices of your doll, including the vagina, anus, and mouth, requires a delicate process with various techniques. The following method is suggested as one of the easiest and most efficient techniques:

First, coat a small swab sponge with warm water and antibacterial soap. Then, using medical pincers, insert the sponge into the orifice until it is clean. Dispose of the sponge and repeat the process with a new sponge. After two swabs, use a dry sponge to remove any excess soap or moisture. Once you have successfully dried the doll, you can apply talcum powder to the exterior of the orifice. Your doll should now be clean and free of bacteria or dirt.

It is important to be gentle when cleaning the doll's face. Remove the doll's head and wig, and use a wet sponge with antibacterial soap to gently dap the face, cleaning small sections at a time. Keep the eyes dry and avoid using too much water.

After cleaning, it is essential to dry the doll's skin thoroughly to prevent tears and abrasions. Use a light non-abrasive material to pat the doll down, and leave her to dry for an hour or two before applying talcum powder.

When cleaning, avoid using any old cleaning agent, as some products may negatively react to the TPE material of the doll. Keep the doll away from sharp objects and do not fully submerge the head underwater. Only use a dry cloth to dry the doll and avoid using any electric air dryer.

Cleaning the doll's wig is similar to cleaning real hair. Use mild hair products and remove the wig from the doll before cleaning. After washing and drying, gently comb through the wig with a comb, being careful of any knots.

When dressing the doll, ensure that all clothing has been washed to minimize any risk of staining. Only use clothing that is unlikely to transmit color and ensure that the clothes are dry before dressing the doll to prevent staining of the skin.

To store the doll, avoid exposing it to too much sunlight, which can cause the TPE to degrade faster than usual. Store the doll in a storage bag or the original product box to prevent dust buildup. Be careful with the colors of the storage bag, as they can transfer to the doll's skin over time.

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