Refund Policy

Right of withdrawal / cooling-off period

It can happen that you have purchased a product from us, but have changed your mind. You have the right to cancel your order within fourteen days (from the day of receipt) without giving any reason. After cancellation, you have another fourteen days to return your product. Within 14 days of receipt, we will refund the complete purchase amount.

There are several legal exceptions to the right of return for hygiene items. These items can only be returned in unused condition/without any signs of use. If your item is in a used condition with signs of use, it cannot be returned. This applies to items that are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene (in accordance with article 10, paragraph 9).

The following items cannot be returned due to hygiene reasons:

  • All sex toys, including sex dolls, vibrators, and dildos
  • Condoms
  • Erotic outfits, such as catsuits, stockings, and pantyhose
  • Wigs
  • Lubricants, creams, and tablets

In addition, items that are custom-made are excluded from the right of withdrawal (in accordance with article 10, paragraph 7).

Orders for dolls and robots that are not in stock and where you can make changes to the appearance, such as skin color, cannot be canceled or changed. These models are made to measure specifically for you. is not responsible for incorrectly provided specifications. If you would still like to make changes and your order has not been completed, please contact us. We can then try to find a suitable solution.

If you wish to make use of the right of withdrawal, please contact us via our contact form.

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